Tuesday, 17 December 2013

American Civil War union army

So this is a project I started a few months ago but wasn't happy with the colour of there uniforms and i was starting a new job, so I put it on hold but now I'm settled Iv jumped back into it and this is where I am with it,
There are all perry miniatures and I have to admit I did have to blow some dust off them as I had dumped them in the garage in June/ July and not bothered with them until now as I wasn't happy with the blue and it was abit of a tuff slog painting so many models in one go (famous last words "won't be doing that again")
I'm working on all the troop/ soldiers first and I'm painting them in blocks one colour at a time.
 These just need the silver of there rifles and hair painted and a few smaller bits painted.
These need the same as above but also there rifles painted brown 
And we'll you get the idea what these need.
Still got these to work on but il so these after all the infantry are finished.
The reason all these models are painted so basically is because I intend to use the Army painter dip on them as there rank and file troops and I'm not going to expand on this set.

Adjusting the Blog

Sorry for the lack of work lately but I have been working a lot of extra hours with the build up to Christmas. 
Iv been working on a few projects over the last week, mainly ACW in an attempt to get them finished before Christmas and before the arrival of baby B :).

Iv made a few changes to the blog and over the next 2 days will be doing some tinkering with bits and bobs, mainly widths of fields ect :/ 

Iv added a list of a few blogs that I have found useful and there owners nice, iv also added a few web pages of some manufacturers or retailers mainly independent ones there are a few big ones up there but that's only because the rest of the big manufactures might take legal action if I advertise there sites or products?? 
We all know who or what I'm on about :)

Iv also added a survey to try and see what people might be interested in seeing in the future??   

Friday, 13 December 2013

Clockwork Goblin miniatures

This is a project that I put on hold for almost a year because of work and other commitments but Iv decided to get the ball rolling on it

I had originally found these miniatures as I was on abit of a quest to find some 15mm WW2 German zombies and stumbled across this site


They make a small amount of alternative WW2
Miniatures fire there own rule set 


This is a free rule set that I haven't had a 
chance to look at in depth but it has a FOW feel to it

So the miniature and wow there cool.

There ment to be 15mm but in all honesty I'd 
say they were BUG BIG 15mm

So hear are some pics of what I got my hands on

These are the American troops that have
 a feel of gears of war meets dust tactics but 
the level of detail is superb

These are the German troops that again 
have that gears of war feel to them but again 
they look fantastic

This is a American medium mech 

And now onto the coolest miniatures

German nazi undead zombies!!!!!!!
The level of detail on these is amazing and I'm so happy with them.

Since I bought these they have released loads more miniatures and have big plans for more releases in 2014 with the release of British, Russian and lots more.

Il be using these with another rule set probably tomorrows war from ambush alley once I get my hand on a copy. 

I know I said they are BIG for 15mm but once you see the level of detail and the rest of the miniatures all is forgiven.

I'm excited about starting this project and hopefully il find some alien enemy's soon that will fit in :)

So if your tempted with any of these miniatures please check out there site :)

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Afghan compounds for force on force

Her is my scenery/ terrain project for force on force 
I found the tips on a blog that I have list the name for but if I find it I will share. I game me all the dimensions to build compounds for 28mm miniatures 
And as you can see they have turned out great if not painted yet.

I build two large compounds and enough small buildings to act as small houses or even as a bazaar.

Force on Force Taliban

So a few months ago I started work on my Taliban insurgents for force on force, I got these miniatures from my local WarGameStore who had a selection of miniatures from empress miniatures.
I was abit skeptic about painting these as  at the time I was a serving member of the British army but if I wanted to play the game and get people at my local club interested we would need some bad guys so I invested in enough for a small enemy force and this is them almost finished
There wasn't a massive selection as my local store only stocked a small amount to see how they would sell before stocking any more so il have to finish them off and get some games played and drum up some interest in this great rule set.

Medieval French ordinance army

Next week il will be finally starting work on my medieval French ordinance army that I will be using with field of glory rules with the storm of arrows supplement

I'm still new to medieval wargaming and I think I will have todo my research first before I put any paint to them but I have based them and back filled most of the bases.
This has been a long running project that was put on hold as a few other projects popped up but I think now is the time to get cracking with them.
I bought the whole army from blackhatminiatures as they seemed to be the best value for the number if miniatures and for the level of detail. I have added a few other bits to the headquarters base just to add more depth.
Headquarters base 
Men at arms
Dismounted knights 
Not to sure what these are but I believe they are a sub HQ
I also have some Swiss pike men

As I said I'm not to sure about painting these so I will have todo my homework first but it's been over 6 months so abit longer won't hurt.

Battle Fleet Gothic

A few friends have started to play BFG and I was kindly given a small fleet that just needed painting so this is how it's turned out
Again Iv not had a chance to play but I now believe I have enough to field in a small game.
BFG was a game that I had never really paid much attention to but wish I had as the miniatures were fun to paint. 

Friday, 29 November 2013

More Vikings

Some more pics of another warband that me and my brother painted a few months ago.

Saga Norman warband

This is another saga warband me and my brother painted and sold on eBay to fund other projects but I do like how they turned out.